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Recommendation | Title |
X.680 | (07/02) Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation |
X.680 | Amendment 1 (10/03) Support for EXTENDED-XER |
X.680 | Amendment 2 (08/04) Alignment with changes made to ITU-T Rec. X.660 ISO/IEC 9834-1 for identifiers in object identifier value notation |
X.680 | Amendment 3 (06/06) Time type support |
X.680 | Amendment 4 (05/07) PER encoding instructions |
X.680 | Corrigendum 1 (05/05) |
X.681 | (07/02) Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Information object specification |
X.681 | Amendment 1 (10/03) Support for EXTENDED-XER |
X.681 | Corrigendum 1 (06/06) |
X.681 | Corrigendum 2 (05/07) Clarification of some uses of the information object set notation |
X.682 | (07/02) Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Constraint specification |
X.683 | (07/02) Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 specifications |
X.683 | Corrigendum 1 (05/07) Scope of dummy references in parameterization |
X.690 | (07/02) Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) |
X.690 | Amendment 1 (10/03) Support for EXTENDED-XER |
X.690 | Amendment 2 (06/06) Time type support |
X.690 | Corrigendum 1 (05/07) Clarification of certain CER encodings |
X.691 | (07/02) Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) |
X.691 | Erratum 1 (06/03) Erratum 1 |
X.691 | Amendment 1 (10/03) Support for EXTENDED-XER |
X.691 | Amendment 2 (06/06) Time type support |
X.691 | Amendment 3 (05/07) PER encoding instructions |
X.691 | Corrigendum 1 (05/05) |
X.692 | (03/02) Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules - Specification of encoding control notation (ECN) |
X.692 | Annex E (03/02) Support for Huffman encodings |
X.692 | Amendment 1 (08/04) Extensibility support |
X.692 | Amendment 2 (06/06) Time type support |
X.692 | Corrigendum 1 (05/05) |
X.693 | (12/01) Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: XML encoding rules (XER) |
X.693 | Amendment 1 (10/03) XER encoding instructions and EXTENDED-XER |
X.693 | Amendment 2 (06/06) Time type support |
X.693 | Amendment 3 (05/07) PER encoding instructions |
X.694 RUS | (01/04) Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1 |
X.694 | Amendment 1 (05/07) Efficiency enhancements including time type support and xs:any |
X.694 | Corrigendum 1 (11/05) |
X.695 | (05/07) Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules: Registration and application of PER encoding instructions |
snmp/ans.1/doc.txt · Последние изменения: 2017/10/21 10:43 (внешнее изменение)